Thursday 15 November 2012

Emotive Character Interpretation

In this module we have been asked to bring child drawings to a sense of 3d form without changing the original drawings. the drawing below is the original and our first interpretation of it was to be done in Photoshop or any other software
From six characters i choose to tackle the dooer-bringer getter character and my first approach at the assignment was done in Photoshop.To bare in mind,i was only testing out my Photoshop skills and must admit not to much time was spent on the drawings so hence the poor linage and lighting but either ways i managed to come up with a  direction in which i was going to follow in getting my character done,so i came up with the picture below

 before deciding on what character i was going to take on, i thought i give another character a try in Photoshop and so i came up with the second drawing

My ideas in sketches

After getting the Photoshop renders and sketches done i proceeded to building my character in 3dsmax.My first task was to figure out my approach at the task in hand.what modelling skills i was going to use and how i was going to go around the project.My first target was to try and work on the head using the different methods i have come to learn over time.below are some of the render i have come up with
 i used the capsule to model the head.split it in half in front view then at the bottom too then used my edges to create the bottom and my cut too to create the eyes,mouth and extra protrusions on the head.

After experimenting on the head and having a direction for further development i  proceed to working on the body.Because i was going to be dealing with 12 and an extra 4 hands from the original drawing my approach to this was crucial.i decided i was going to work with a box object and just proceed to using the polygons whatever way i was going to need too.below are my ideas so far in creating the upper body of the robot.
   i started by creating the creating the polygons i was going to need to create the hands,to archive this i used my cut tool.i the carried on with extruding and pulling in the geometry as i carried on

after establishing the ideas for the body i proceeded to start working on the legs

these are just the early stages of the development of the character.Ive managed to come about with the direction to which my character is developing too.Ive the proceeded to try the upper body out  on the legs as u can see the picture below
the upper body in the image is not the original for the character but one created to simulate the outlook.


the production carries on....